Shalakya Tantra

Shalakya Tantra Dept


Shalakyatantra is an Important Branch of Ayurved dealing with the diseases & Treatment of Netra(Eye), Karna(Ear) , Nasa(Nose) , Mukha(Oral cavity) & Shira(Head). This Branch is given Prime Importance Among the 8 Branches of Ayurved. Again in this Netra Roag Vigyana is Having Utmost Importance Because if Vision is lost A Blind Man though Rich Can not Enjoy The World So it is Explained that "Sarvendriyanam Nayanam Pradhanam."

Department Consists of 3 Rooms, 1 for Staff, 1 for HOD & 1 for Students.

Practical Classes are being conducted here for Students. Shalakya Dept Has 2 OPDS; 1 for ENT & 1 for Netra Chikitsa Vibhaga, each measuring 165Sq ft

This science uses a lots of 'Shalaka' which means probe which justifies the name Shalakya tantra.

The word shalakya has been derived from the word shalaka which means probe or blunt instrument, used for diagnosis of nose, eye, ear, throat and diseases of head. Some of the probes are probes of eye (Netra Shalaka), probes of ear (Karna Shalaka), probes of nose (Nasa Shalaka), probes of throat (Mukh Shalaka), probes of lips (Oshta Shalaka) etc.

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