Kriya Sharira
Kriya Sharira
Kriya Sharir is the science that deals with study of the normal functions of the body. The whole purpose of Kriya Sharir is to explore the normal functions of the living organism, their principles, their mechanism and their actions.
For better understanding of etiopathogenesis and treatment of various disorders, the knowledge of Sharir is absolute vital and necessary Ayurveda classics give emphasis on applied aspects of science and thus instead of describing micro structures, they described Sharir\' wherever required.
Ayurvedic concepts of Kriya Sharir deal with the functions of Dosh, Dhatu and Malas. According to the Ayurveda, every individual is unique entity for knowing this uniqueness of every individual 'Prakriti Parikshan' is essential. 'Prakriti Parikshan' is the analysis of body and mind.
Shareera Kriya is the specialty of ayurveda which deals with study of normal functioning of body and mind. Shareera is composed of many basic elements. 'Kriya' means which has motion or which can perform actions, and Shareera performs its kriya only when these basic elements maintain their equilibrium state.