Rasashastra and Bhaishajya Kalpana

Rasashastra and Bhaishajya Kalpana

Aims and Objectives

  • To promote research activities on herbo-mineral preparations.
  • To guide the scholars up to GMP norms and Research activities.
  • To adopt advanced technologies in Pharmaceutical procedures.
  • Exposure to latest analytical technology of mineral and herbo-mineral preparations.

Measurements of the Department

Rasashastra & Bk -750 Sq.ft

Rasashastra & Bk Lab- 410 Sq.ft

Rasashastra Museum - 500 Sq.ft

Rasashastra Puta room- 120 Sq.ft

We Undertake NPST Analysis Reporting For Rasoushadies Of Pharmaceutical Companies. Our Clients: Unja AYUKALP, Ahmedabad.

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